Awards - NAPNAP


Awards, Grants and Scholarships

The National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners’ (NAPNAP) diverse awards program recognizes the outstanding achievements of our members, chapters and special interest groups that promote children’s health and advanced practice nursing. Our awards fall into several different categories and most are offered annually but some are offered bi-annually. We celebrate our award winners’ achievements annually at our national conference. 

Awards are presented in conjunction with our National Conference on Pediatric Health Care hosted annually in March.

Additional NAPNAP awards criteria:

  • The winner will be the applicant scoring the most points but no less than a minimum of 70 percent.  If no applicant achieves the minimum 70 percent, the award will not be given that year.
  • All SIG awards must have at least two applicants or nominees in order to be evaluated and awarded. If this requirement is not met, the applicant or nominator will be contacted and encouraged to re-apply for the award the next time it is offered.

NAPNAP National Awards

Our members are experts in pediatrics and advocates for children. It is a honor to celebrate their achievements and contributions to pediatric health care with our national awards. See the list of recent award recipients and Henry K. Silver and Loretta Ford award winners. All questions should be directed to [email protected].

DEADLINE: November 30

Nominate a colleague or yourself through our nomination form

The Loretta C. Ford Distinguished Nurse Practitioner Award recognizes a member for outstanding contributions to expansion or improvement of pediatric health care, and/or advancement of the profession of pediatric-focused APRNs at the state, national, or international level; awarded annually. The nominee must be a current NAPNAP member. This award is NAPNAP’s highest honor.

Award recipient receives lifetime NAPNAP membership, a complimentary conference registration, one night’s lodging and transportation to and from the conference, and a plaque. If the winner is unable to attend, no cash prize will be substituted. These may be transferrable to a NAPNAP member of the recipient’s designation.

Sitting members of the NAPNAP Executive Board or the Henry K. Silver and Loretta C. Ford Selection Panels are ineligible to receive this award.

Qualification criteria for the nominees may include but are not limited to:

  • Current NAPNAP member.
  • Service as NAPNAP, NAPNAP Partners, or NAPNAP Foundation national officer, committee chair, or taskforce member
  • Service on influential regional, state, national or international boards or committees that improve pediatric health, advance health equity and/or advance the profession of pediatric-focused APRNs.
  • Activities related to state or state or national policy initiatives
  • Significantly contributes to the promotion and advancement of curricular development or education delivery or clinical practice for pediatric APRNs at the national level.
  • Presentations to national and international organizations based on recognized expertise and scholarship in the field of pediatric health.
  • Activities related to improving pediatric health care delivery for children and families within a state, nationally, or globally.
  • Original publications that have positively impacted the delivery and practice of pediatric health care services.
  • Contributions have significantly advanced child health outcomes and promoted health equity.
  • Overall contributions have been significant in expanding or improving pediatric health care, and/or advancement of the profession of pediatric-focused APRNs at the state, national, or international level.

Application Requirements:

  1. Completion of the Loretta C. Ford Distinguished Nurse Practitioner Award Nomination form.
  2. A double-spaced, typed narrative description (500 words or less in PDF format) of the reasons this nominee should receive the award according to the criteria listed above.
  3. Nominee’s current Curriculum Vitae in PDF format.         
  4. A minimum of two (2) and a maximum of four (4) letters of reference 1-3 pages in length in PDF format addressing how the nominee fits the award criteria.

All questions should be directed to [email protected].

DEADLINE: November 30

Nominate an advocate through our nomination form

The Henry K. Silver Advocate Award recognizes an advocate for outstanding contributions to expansion or improvement of pediatric health care and/or the advancement of the profession of pediatric-focused APRNs at the state, national, or international level; awarded annually. Persons in this category may include, but are not limited to, physicians, administrative executives, health systems leaders, thought leaders or legislators. This award is intended for individuals outside of the NAPNAP membership.

Sitting members of the NAPNAP Executive Board or the Henry K. Silver and Loretta C. Ford Selection Panels are ineligible to receive this award.

Award recipient receives lifetime NAPNAP membership, a complimentary conference registration, one night’s lodging and transportation to and from the conference, and a plaque. If the winner is unable to attend, no cash prize will be substituted. These may be transferrable to a NAPNAP member of the recipient’s designation.

Qualification criteria for the nominees may include but are not limited to:

  • Service on state, national or international health nonprofit organizations, committees, panels, work groups, or task forces that address pediatric health care issues or state, national, or global health care policies.
  • State, national, or international service advancing health equity.
  • Awards or recognition from national or international organizations.
  • Presentations at national and international meetings based on recognized expertise and scholarship in pediatric health.
  • Original publications that have changed the delivery and practice of pediatric health care services.
  • Advocacy to significantly advance the pediatric-focused APRN role at a health-systems, state, or federal level.
  • Significant advocacy in national print or digital media to advance the pediatric-focused APRN role.
  • Innovative and large-scale adoption of pediatric-focused APRN-led models of care.
  • Overall contributions have been significant in furthering the advancement of the pediatric-focused APRN role and/or promoting child health outcomes and health equity.

Application Requirements:

  1. Completion of the Henry K. Silver Advocate Award Nomination Form.
  2. A double-spaced, typed narrative description (500 words or less in PDF format) of the reasons this nominee should receive the award according to the criteria listed above.
  3. Nominee’s current Curriculum Vitae in PDF format.         
  4. A minimum of two (2) and a maximum of four (4) letters of reference 1-3 pages in length in PDF format addressing how the nominee fits the award criteria.

All questions should be directed to [email protected].

Nomination Deadline: Nov. 30. Click for our nomination form

Awarded to a NAPNAP current member who is chair of a national committee, chapter or SIG officer, or other NAPNAP national leadership position. Award recipient receives a DAISY FoundationTM award sculpture presented at an event during NAPNAP’s national conference and one-year complimentary NAPNAP membership.

Candidates must be nominated by their NAPNAP entity. National Executive Board members are not eligible.


  • Demonstrates exceptional service to NAPNAP in a leadership capacity.
  • Achieves outcomes that positively impact child health.
  • Encourages critical thinking and problem-solving for individuals and teams to promote NAPNAP’s vision and mission.
  • Consistently leads with demonstration of NAPNAP’s core values.
  • Promotes continuous professional development and certification excellence.
  • Acts as a role model for attributes of trust, mutual respect, and ethical behavior.
  • Promotes and enhances the image of advanced practice nursing within the organization, the community, and the profession.
  • Recognized as a mentor to fellow committee, chapter or SIG members.

Application Requirements:

  1. Completion of the New Award Nomination form.
  2. A typed narrative description (750 words or less, in PDF format) of the reasons the nominee meets the above-listed criteria.
  3. Two letters of reference from individuals who can attest to the nominee’s qualifications for the award.

All questions should be directed to [email protected].

NAPNAP is proud to have joined The DAISY FoundationTM community of Supportive Associations. The foundation is a not-for-profit organization, established in memory of J. Patrick Barnes, by members of his family. Patrick died at the age of 33 in late 1999 from complications of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), a little known but not uncommon auto-immune disease. (DAISY is an acronym for Diseases Attacking the Immune SYstem.) The care Patrick and his family received from Nurses while he was hospitalized inspired the creation of The DAISY Award® for Extraordinary Nurses, an evidenced-based means of providing nurse recognition and thanking nurses for making a profound difference in the lives of their patients and patient families.

In addition, the foundation expresses gratitude to the nursing profession with an array of recognition programs that celebrate and honor nurses, nurse leaders and nurse led teams wherever they practice, throughout their careers from students through lifetime achievement in nursing and through several lines of grant funding.

Nomination Deadline: Nov. 30. Nominate yourself or a colleague using our nomination form

Early Advanced Practice Career Award recognizes a NAPNAP member who has been actively practicing as a pediatric-focused APRN for no longer than five (5) years, who exemplifies NAPNAP’s values, and who serves as an expert in pediatrics and an advocate for children. Award recipient receives a plaque and one-year complimentary NAPNAP membership.


  • Exemplifies NAPNAP values.
  • Serves as an expert in pediatrics and advocate for children.
  • Demonstrates DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging) in professional practice.
  • Contributes professional volunteer service to NAPNAP taskforces, committees, work groups, SIGs and local chapters.

Application Requirements:

  1. Completion of the New Award Nomination form.
  2. A typed narrative description (750 words or less, in PDF format) of the reasons the nominee meets the above-listed criteria.
  3. Two letters of reference from individuals who can attest to the nominee’s qualifications for the award. 

All questions should be directed to [email protected].

Nomination Deadline: Nov. 30. Nominate yourself or a colleague using our nomination form

Diversity Champion Award recognizes a NAPNAP member who leads efforts to transform integration of DEIB into health systems or health care organizations. The nominee must be a current NAPNAP member for at least a year. Award recipient receives a plaque and one-year complimentary NAPNAP membership.


  • Exemplifies NAPNAP values.
  • Serves as an expert in pediatrics and advocate for children.
  • Leads efforts to transform integration of DEIB (diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging) into health systems or health care organizations.
  • Demonstrates DEIB scholarly dissemination through publication, speaking engagements, or other forums.

Application Requirements:

  1. Completion of the New Award Nomination form.
  2. A typed narrative description (750 words or less, in PDF format) of the reasons the nominee meets the above-listed criteria.
  3.  Two letters of reference from individuals who can attest to the nominee’s qualifications for the award. 

All questions should be directed to [email protected].

Grassroots Advocacy Award – not open to applications for 2025

Awarded biannually in even years, the NAPNAP Grassroots Advocacy Award is to recognize a member of NAPNAP who has demonstrated sustained advocacy in the area of child health policy or professional practice issues for pediatric-focused APRNs. The ideal recipient leads by example and is a strong role model for involvement in health policy that improves the health and well-being of children and/or advances the role of advanced practice nurses as health care providers. The awardee has a history of encouraging others to participate in health policy advocacy and demonstrates ability to effectively network with other groups or organizations to advance health policy.

Qualification criteria:

  • NAPNAP membership
  • Previous winners are not eligible to apply

Application Requirements:

  1. To submit a nomination/application, please indicate, in a one to two page support letter, how you or your nominee demonstrated advocacy at the grassroots level for children, their families, and/or pediatric-focused APRNs as described above. Be as specific as possible.
  2. Two letters of support are required and should address:
    • nominee’s involvement in child health policy development and/or how the nominee accomplished changes in health policy related to professional issues for pediatric-focused APRNs.
    • how the nominee networked/consulted with other organization(s) to draft or formulate child health policy/professional initiatives. Examples of how the nominee acted as a role model for advocacy and encouraged others to become politically active should also be mentioned.

Advocacy Scholars

Learn more about our Advocacy Scholars program.

Special Interest Group (SIG) Awards

NAPNAP is proud to acknowledge our special interest groups with several award opportunities. Below you will find each award described in detail and a link to apply.

The deadline for all SIG awards is November 30.

All NAPNAP awards must meet the following criteria:

  • All awards must have at least two applicants or nominees in order to be evaluated and awarded. If this requirement is not met, the applicant or nominator will be contacted and encouraged to re-apply for the award the next time it is offered.

All questions should be directed to [email protected].

The Outstanding SIG Award is presented annually to the SIG that contributes to the mission of NAPNAP in outstanding or innovative ways. The winning SIG will receive $500. In case of a tie vote, both SIGs will receive award, but they will split the $500, each receiving $250. SIG members may receive this award only once every two (2) years or every other year.

Qualification Criteria:

  • NAPNAP SIG in good standing
  • Contributions of the SIG at the local, state, or national level may be in the areas of educational activities or initiatives, legislative consultations related to health policy, leadership, or mentorship activities within NAPNAP, the SIG, or other groups, consultation(s) with other professional organizations or service on their committees, participation in community projects or activities, publications in newspapers, magazines, or journals, and/or involvement in research efforts to improve the health of infants, children, and adolescents.

Application Requirements: SIGs self-nominate for this award. One SIG leader representative must submit an online application, which asks the following questions:

  • Please tell us how your SIG furthered the mission of the national organization over the past twelve (12) months by addressing the award criteria.
  • Please also include how your SIG would use the monetary award to sustain/grow your membership, provide leadership in the area of interest, illustrate expertise in clinical practice and advocacy issues, and disseminate information to the NAPNAP membership, as well as other collaborating professional organizations. (Max 150 words)
  • How has your SIG contributed to NPs in your area of specialty? (Max 75 words)

Nominate Your SIG

The Lisa Milonovich Acute Care PNP (ACPNP) SIG Scholar Award recognizes one ACPNP SIG member each year who is contributing to the advancement of ACPNPs. ACPNP SIG members may receive this award only once every five (5) years. The award amount is $500 or equivalent to price of NAPNAP conference registration in order to attend the NAPNAP national conference. The recipient must utilize the complimentary registration within one year after receiving the award.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Current Acute Care PNP SIG member
  • PNP practicing in acute care setting
  • Certification as a PNP

Application Requirements: This is a self nomination process. All applicants must submit an online application which includes:

  • Describe a specific occasion that demonstrates your impact as an ACPNP within the clinical environment.
  • Describe your professional goals and how the NAPNAP and the ACPNP SIG has assisted in the improvement of your practice and achievement of your goals.
  • Detail your involvement in professional activities (committee involvement, research activities, publications, etc.)
  • Describe how attending the NAPNAP Annual Conference will impact your education and practice as an ACPNP.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume.
  • Two letters of support from nursing/physician colleagues (minimum of 1 nursing colleague required).

Responsibilities of Recipient: Award recipient must submit an article for the ACPNP SIG Newsletter, summarizing the highlights of attending the annual conference.

Apply Now

The NAPNAP AC PNP SIG Clinical Scholarship Award provides $1,000 to encourage scholarly activity among AC SIG members by supporting a clinical project related to the acute care pediatric population. The award must be used towards (a) research, (b) practice innovation, (c) quality improvement, or (d) evidence-based practice project. The recipient must utilize the grant within one year after receiving the award. The project must be completed in 12-18 months and DNP scholarly projects and PhD thesis/dissertation work are not eligible for this award. 

Qualification Criteria: 

  • Current NAPNAP member
  • Current Acute Care SIG member for a minimum of one year
  • Certified as an Acute Care PNP

Application Requirements: This is a self nomination process. All applicants must submit an online application which includes:

  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • Two letters of recommendation from individuals involved in your project or who have mentored previous scholarly work
  • Personal statement (2-3 pages) detailing the proposed or in-process scholarly activity. The personal statement should include the following criteria:
    • Discuss the influences or experiences that led to project development
    • Explanation of goals or outcomes of the scholarly project
    • Discuss the demographics of the population you are working with and describe the agency you will be collaborating with to implement the project
    • Discuss the project plan including implementation plan
    • Discuss how the funds will be utilized
    • Address whether IRB approval (through agency or university) is needed and provide IRB information if applicable
    • Discuss how this project can impact the body of knowledge related to the acute care pediatric population and/or promote research within this area

Responsibilities of Recipient: Award recipient must give an oral presentation of project (completed or in progress) at AC PNP SIG annual meeting during the annual national conference or other approved meeting venue by SIG leadership (presentation at business meeting will be tied to the final payment).

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The Acute Care PNP (ACPNP) SIG Student Award recognizes one outstanding student member of the ACPNP SIG to support and encourage involvement in NAPNAP and promote professional development of the individual student.  Students may receive this award only once. The ACPNP SIG will provide one student with a grant of $500 to be applied toward conference registration and conference related expenses to attend the NAPNAP national conference. One award recipient will be selected annually. The recipient must utilize the grant within one year after receiving the award.

Qualification Criteria:

  • The recipient of this award must be a full-time ACPNP student in his or her final year of study and is selected based on academic and clinical excellence.
  • Current enrollment in Acute Care PNP program
  • Must be in good standing academically
  • Current member of NAPNAP
  • Member of Acute Care PNP SIG

Application Requirements: This is a self-nomination process. All applicants must submit an online application which includes:

  • Explain why you enrolled in an Acute Care Pediatric Nurse Practitioner program.
  • Describe your professional goals and how the NAPNAP and the Acute Care SIG could assist you in meeting those goals.
  • Detail your professional development activities (committee involvement, research activities, publications, etc.)
  • Describe an issue that you feel has significant potential to impact the future practice of Acute Care PNPs.
  • Describe how attending the NAPNAP Annual Conference will impact your education and future practice as an ACPNP.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume.
  • One letter of support from an ACPNP faculty member. 

Responsibilities of Recipient: Award recipient must submit an article for the ACPNP SIG Newsletter, summarizing highlights from at least two (2) sessions they attended or support a blog topic on two (2) of the sessions which they attended via the AC PNP SIG section on the NAPNAP website.

Apply now

 An outstanding practice innovation poster that demonstrates adolescent content, is easily translatable to current adolescent health care topics, and advances overall knowledge regarding adolescent health. Poster will be selected from collection of posters accepted to be displayed at the national meeting by NAPNAP’s Conference Planning Chair. Submission deadline will follow the national poster guidelines. All posters will be evaluated at the NAPNAP National Conference. Award compensation will vary year to year. 

The BFE SIG provides an annual monetary award to one BFE SIG member in obtaining Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs) for obtaining and maintaining IBCLC certification. Through this award the SIG wishes to recognize the clinical or scholarly work of the member which furthers the mission of breastfeeding. The Award amount is $500, which may be used for a member to attend a conference for which CERPs are awarded. The recipient must utilize the complimentary registration within one year after receiving the award (special circumstances may be reviewed by the BFE SIG chairs to extend this time frame up to two years). Breastfeeding SIG members may receive this award only once every five (5) years.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Current NAPNAP member
  • Current BFE SIG member for at least one year
  • Practicing pediatric health care provider in a pediatric care setting
  • Certification as an NP

Application Requirements: This is a self nomination process. All interested members must submit an online application which includes:

  • Please describe what you feel are the most important issues as a PNP working with breastfeeding families.
  • Please submit a one page narrative describing your professional activities (committee involvement, research activities, publishing, etc., including participation in a State Breastfeeding Coalition, La Leche League, etc.)
  • Current Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume.
  • Two letters of support from nursing/physician colleagues (at least one letter must be from a nursing colleague).

Responsibilities of Recipient: Award recipient must submit an article for the BFE SIG Newsletter, summarizing highlights from a lactation conference they attended.

Apply now

The BFE SIG provides an annual monetary award to two BFE SIG members to take the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners (IBLCE) examination. The award amount is $500 for each of two members to be used to take the IBLCE exam in July. The recipients must utilize the funds in the year that it was given.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Current NAPNAP member
  • Current BFE SIG member for at least one year
  • NP practicing in pediatric care setting
  • National Certification as NP preferred (or NP student)
  • NP who is taking the IBLCE exam for the first time

Application Requirements: This is a self nomination process. All interested members must submit an online application which includes:

  • Please describe what you feel are the most important issues as a PNP working with breastfeeding families.
  • Please submit a one page narrative describing your professional activities (committee involvement, research activities, publishing, etc., including participation in a State Breastfeeding Coalition, La Leche League, etc.)
  • Current Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume

Recipient Responsibilities: Take the IBLCE exam as scheduled.

Apply now!

The NAPNAP Child Maltreatment and Neglect (CMN) SIG provides a yearly monetary award to one member to acknowledge and further engage CMN SIG members with a special interest in the evaluation or prevention of child abuse. The award amount is $1,000, which may be used for monetary support to help offset the cost of a child maltreatment conference or a NAPNAP conference, including reimbursement towards the cost of conference registration, airfare, and lodging for one member. CMN SIG members may receive this award only once every five (5) years.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Current NAPNAP Member
  • Current CMN SIG Member
  • Contributions in the field of child maltreatment
  • Certification as a PNP
  • Contributions to the SIG, such as taking the lead on a NAPNAP or NAPNAP SIG project or NAPNAP conference poster, serving as an officer, committee member etc.

Application Requirements: This is a self nomination process. All applicants must submit an online application which includes:

  • Contribution to the field of child maltreatment assessment, treatment, and prevention
  • Contribution to CMN SIG
  • Have you ever presented a poster or podium presentation at a NAPNAP Conference? If yes, please specify name and year presented
  • Name, date, location & title of the conference/workshop/s that you will attend
  • Please explain how you plan to disseminate the information to other SIG members
  • Please indicate if you will be receiving additional funding for the conference from an alternate source
  • Current curriculum vitae (CV)

Application will open  Fall of 2025.

The Child Maltreatment and Neglect (CMN) SIG provides a biannual (given in odd years) monetary award to one member to acknowledge and further engage NAPNAP CMN SIG members with a special interest in the evaluation or prevention of child abuse. The award amount is $1,000, which may be used for monetary support to help offset the cost of attending the NAPNAP national conference, including reimbursement towards the cost of conference registration, airfare, and lodging for one member. CMN SIG members may receive this award only once every five (5) years.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Current NAPNAP Member
  • Current CMN SIG Member
  • Contributions in the field of child maltreatment
  • Certification as a PNP
  • Contributions to the SIG, such as taking the lead on a NAPNAP or NAPNAP SIG project or NAPNAP conference poster, serving as an officer, committee member etc.

Application Requirements: This is a self nomination process. All applicants must submit an online application which includes:

  • Contribution to the field of child maltreatment assessment, treatment, and prevention
  • Contribution to CMN SIG
  • Have you ever presented a poster or podium presentation at a NAPNAP Conference? If yes, please specify name and year presented
  • Goals of what you expect to achieve at the NAPNAP Conference
  • Please explain how you plan to disseminate the information to other SIG members
  • Please indicate if you will be receiving additional funding for the conference from an alternate source
  • Current curriculum vitae (CV)

Apply Now.

The CYSHN SIG provides an annual monetary award of $250 to a selected recent graduate (within one year) of an accredited doctoral program whose scholarly project best exemplifies the current goals of the CYSHN SIG. A second award will be made if the SIG budget has sufficient funds.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Current NAPNAP member
  • Recent graduate of an accredited doctoral program (within one year)
  • Doctoral project must have used evidence and theoretical concepts to improve nursing practice and clinical outcomes that reflect the goals of the CYSHN SIG
  • Specifically the project must have:
    • Examined a complex clinical problem within the student’s field of expertise
    • Proposed an evidence ‐ based change to address that problem for a significant population
    • Applied doctoral level leadership skills to implement and evaluate the efficacy of the practice change and evaluate the outcomes of the change

Application Requirements: This is a self nomination process. All interested members must submit an online application which includes:

  • One‐page personal statement describing the influences and experiences that led to the project and the potential impact of the project on pediatric nursing practice
  • Two-page doctoral project description, which includes:
    • Project process plan
    • Project implementation plan
    • Lessons learned throughout the change project
    • Summary of project outcomes thus far and clinical significance for future practice or study
    • How the project will build the foundation for the graduate’s future scholarly and/or clinical practice work
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  • One letter of support from the faculty advisor

Apply now

The NAPNAP Childhood Obesity SIG (CO SIG) award provides $500 to support and encourage attendance at the national NAPNAP conference or other educational initiative related to childhood obesity.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Current NAPNAP Member
  • Current CO SIG Member
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume
  • Members may apply once a year, but are only eligible for the award once
  • The recipient must utilize the grant within one year after receiving the award
  • Students must be enrolled in a nationally accredited PNP program, and must be in good standing academically

Application Requirements: This is a self-nomination process. All applicants must submit an online application which includes:

  • Description on how attending the NAPNAP conference (or related childhood obesity conference) will impact your education and knowledge as a PNP or student and enhance your clinical practice
  • Description of goals you expect to achieve at the conference
  • Discussion on how you will disseminate the information from the conference to other SIG members​​​

Apply Now

The NAPNAP Childhood Obesity SIG (CO SIG) award provides a $500 stipend to encourage scholarly activity amongst NAPNAP students and members by supporting a clinical project related to childhood obesity.  The award must be used towards a clinical or research project related to promotion of healthy behaviors to encourage a decrease in childhood obesity. This can be a research, practice innovation, quality improvement or DNP student project.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Current NAPNAP Member
  • Current CO SIG Member
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume
  • Members may apply once a year, but are only eligible for the award once every 3 years
  • The recipient must utilize the grant within one year after receiving the award
  • Students must be enrolled in a nationally accredited PNP program, and must be in good standing academically
  • Students must submit a letter(s) of support from specialty director or faculty mentor of clinic or school of nursing endorsing the project
  • IRB approval (if required by host agency or university) prior to release of funds; if not required, be sure to address in application
  • Scholarly activity project must be relevant to health promotion, nutrition, and/or physical activity promoting practices to decrease childhood obesity

Application Requirements: This is a self-nomination process. All applicants must submit an online application which for the scholarly project which includes:

  • Explanation of goals for the scholarly project
  • Discuss the demographics of the population you are working with and describe the agency you will be collaborating with to implement the project
  • Discuss how the funds will be utilized
  • Discuss how this project can impact the body of knowledge related to childhood obesity, and/or promote research within this area
  • Discuss how you plan to disseminate project findings to members of NAPNAP  (encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster or podium presentation)

Apply Now

The Developmental Behavioral Mental Health (DBMH) SIG Advocacy Award recognizes one DBMH SIG member for developing and disseminating information that addresses advocacy for children and their families with DBMH issues in one or more areas of clinical practice, research, or state/federal legislation. A member may only receive this award one time in three years. The award amount is $1,000 to defray the costs of attending the NAPNAP National Conference. The recipient of this award will represent the DBMH SIG by attending policy and leadership related sessions at the NAPNAP National Conference and will report back to the SIG.

Qualification Criteria:                             

  • Current NAPNAP member
  • Member of the DBMH SIG for at least 1 year
  • Must plan to attend the upcoming NAPNAP National Conference

Application Requirements: This is a self-nomination process. All applicants must submit an online application which includes:

  • A written description of your advocacy efforts to address one or more of the clinical practice, research, or state/federal legislation areas of advocacy for children with developmental behavioral mental health (DBMH) issues and their families.
  • A description of your contribution to the field of DBMH assessment, treatment, prevention and the impact of your actions at the national, state, regional or local level.
  • Participation and/or contribution to the DBMH SIG
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume

Responsibilities of Recipient: Award recipient must represent the DBMH SIG by attending policy and leadership related sessions at the NAPNAP National Conference and will report back to the SIG.

Apply now

The Developmental Behavioral Mental Health (DBMH) SIG Linda Frye Outstanding Contribution Award recognizes one DBMH SIG member for their outstanding contribution to the SIG and its mission of prevention, early recognition, treatment and referral of patients with developmental, behavioral, and mental health needs. Examples of such contributions include: significant contribution to the DBMH body of literature, contributions related to DBMH education for nurse practitioners, significant DBMH-related program development.

The award amount is $1,000 to defray the costs of attending the NAPNAP National Conference. Members are eligible to apply annually, but may only receive the award once every 3 years.

Qualification Criteria:                             

  • Current NAPNAP member
  • Member of the DBMH SIG for at least 1 year
  • Must plan to attend the upcoming NAPNAP National Conference

Application Requirements: This is a self-nomination process. All applicants must submit an online application which includes:

  • A written description addressing the areas of interest for the award, the impact of your contribution, and how this information will be disseminated to SIG members.
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume

Responsibilities of Recipient: The award recipient is expected to present their contribution to the SIG membership in a formal manner (e.g., presentation at annual conference SIG meeting, poster presentation, or other medium.)

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The Global Health Care SIG Nurse Practitioner Award recognizes one NAPNAP member each year who demonstrates a commitment to global health care by participation in a global health initiative or mission trip. The award amount is $500. The recipient must agree to provide an article on the global health initiative or mission trip for publication on the GHC SIG online community site or an oral presentation at the GHC SIG meeting. 

Qualification Criteria:

  • Current NAPNAP member
  • Certification as an NP
  • Involvement in a Healthcare Mission Trip within the 12 months after receipt of award OR current and sustained involvement in a global health care initiative

Application Requirements: This is a self-nomination process. All applicants must submit an online application which includes:

  • A written description (300 words) of the mission trip or global health initiative and the member’s role
  • Details of involvement in professional activities (committee involvement, research activities, publications, etc.)
  • Participation in NAPNAP at national, local chapter or SIG level
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume

Responsibilities of Recipient: Award recipient must submit an article on the global health initiative or mission trip for publication on the GHC SIG online community site or give an oral presentation at the GHC SIG meeting at the NAPNAP National Conference.

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The Global Health Care SIG Nurse Practitioner Student Award recognizes one NAPNAP student member each year who demonstrates a commitment to global health care by participation in a global health initiative or mission trip. The award amount is $500. The recipient must agree to provide an article on the global health initiative or mission trip for publication on the GHC SIG online community site or an oral presentation at the GHC SIG meeting. 

Qualification Criteria:

  • Current NAPNAP student member
  • Letter from NP program verifying enrollment
  • Involvement in a Healthcare Mission Trip within the 12 months after receipt of award OR current and sustained involvement in a global health care initiative

Application Requirements: This is a self-nomination process. All applicants must submit an online application which includes:

  • A written description (300 words) of the mission trip or global health initiative and the member’s role
  • Details of involvement in professional activities (committee involvement, research activities, publications, etc.)
  • Participation in NAPNAP at national, local chapter or SIG level
  • Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume

Responsibilities of Recipient: Award recipient must submit an article on the global health initiative or mission trip for publication on the GHC SIG online community site or give an oral presentation at the GHC SIG meeting at the NAPNAP National Conference.

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The Bill Atkinson Immunization (IMM) SIG provides an annual monetary award to an IMM SIG member to attend any state, regional or local immunization conference each year. By offering the award, the IMM SIG produces an additional benefit for its members and hopes to develop future leaders. The Award amount is $1000 for one member to attend any state, regional or local immunization conference annually and can be used to defray the costs for registration, airfare, or accommodations. The award will be presented to the recipient before the scheduled conference.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Current NAPNAP member
  • Current Immunization SIG member

Application Requirements: This is a self nomination process. All applicants must submit an online application which includes:

  • Previous experience with immunizations initiatives, activities, projects, programs, etc.
  • What has been your past leadership role, if any, in the Immunization SIG?
  • How will the experience and knowledge you gain from attending this conference be shared at your local NAPNAP Chapter level or with the virtual chapter?
  • How will the experience and knowledge you gain from attending this conference benefit NAPNAP and/or the Immunization SIG?
  • What do you expect to personally gain by attending the immunization conference?
  • Detailed information about the conference with a copy of registration information
  • Current Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Responsibilities of Recipient: Award recipient must submit an article for the IMM SIG Newsletter, summarizing the highlights of attending the conference.

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The Lukia Beverly Immunization SIG Scholarly Activity Award encourages scholarly activity amongst NAPNAP students and members by supporting a clinical project related to childhood immunization. The award offer of $500 must be applied to a clinical or research project promoting childhood immunizations. This can be a research, practice innovation, quality improvement or DNP student project. The awardee is expected to disseminate project findings to members of NAPNAP and encouraged to submit an abstract for a poster or podium presentation.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Current NAPNAP member
  • Current Immunization SIG member

Application Requirements: This is a self-nomination process. All applicants must submit an application online to include:

  • Current Curriculum Vitae
  • One letter of support: student applicants must submit a letter of support from their specialty director or faculty mentor. Non-student applicants must submit a letter of reference from a mentor or other member of their practice that supports the need and the applicant’s ability to execute the project. 
  • Previous experience with immunization initiatives, activities, projects, programs, etc.
  • How experience and knowledge gained will benefit NAPNAP and/or the Immunization SIG.
  • How information will be shared at the local NAPNAP chapter level or with the virtual chapter.
  • What applicant expects to gain from the scholarly activity.

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The purpose of the School-based Health Care (SBHC) SIG Award is to promote member involvement in the SBHC SIG by providing an annual monetary award, for up to two (2) SBHC SIG members, to attend the NAPNAP National Conference. The SBHC SIG Award ($500 each) must be used to attend the following year’s conference.

Qualification Criteria:

  • Current NAPNAP member
  • Current SBHC SIG member for at least one year
  • PNP/FNP practicing in school based health care setting
  • Certification as a PNP/FNP

Application Requirements: This is a self nomination process. All applicants must submit an online application which includes:

  • Duration of practice in school-based health setting with description (type of SBHC, sponsoring agency, ages/grade level, role in clinic or other duties)
  • Highlight what your practice does best for the pediatric population
  • Time of practice as a APRN
  • Duration of membership in the SBHC SIG, with examples of engagement activities (ie. volunteering at a table at national conference, participating/initiating discussion posts)
  • Describe what you hope to learn about or your networking plans at the NAPNAP conference
  • Curriculum vitae (CV) or resume

Responsibilities of Recipient:

  • Award recipient must attend the SIG annual meeting at the NAPNAP Conference, if applicable.
  • Award recipient must also submit an article for the SBHC SIG Newsletter, summarizing highlights from the NAPNAP Conference.

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Other Awards Acknowledged at National Conference

NAPNAP is pleased to share the spotlight with some of our peer organizations so that they may acknowledge their award winners.

Awards for outstanding preceptors (awarded every year), educators (awarded every odd numbered year), and researchers (awarded every even numbered year) as selected by AFPNP.

  • AFPNP Preceptor of the Year Award: Recognizes a pediatric nurse practitioner preceptor who has made significant contributions to the education of pediatric nurse practitioners at the regional, national, or international level.
  • AFPNP Educator of the Year Award: Recognizes a pediatric nurse practitioner preceptor who has made significant contributions to the education of pediatric nurse practitioners at the regional, national, or international level.
  • AFPNP Researcher of the Year Award: Recognizes a pediatric nurse practitioner who has made significant contributions to nursing research at the regional, national, or international level.

Awards for writing in research or clinical and department editor as selected by JPHC and Elsevier.

  • Ellen Rudy Clore Excellence in Scholarly Writing Award
  • Leah Harrison Excellence in Clinical Writing Award
  • Nelms-Berg Department Editor Service Award

Recognizes CPNP-PCs and CPNP-ACs as selected by PNCB.

  • PNCB Kelly Reed Advanced Practice Community Impact Award 
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