Corporate Circle Members - NAPNAP

Corporate Circle Members

The National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) offers three levels of Corporate Circle membership, each with benefits tailored to meet the diverse needs of our industry partners. We offer Corporate Circle opportunities that fit a variety of budgets, all of which offer your organization increased visibility by NAPNAP’s clinical membership. 

Please consider your needs and determine the level of membership that’s right for your company! Look below to view a detailed list of Corporate Circle member benefits.

For additional information about Corporate Circle or how your organization can become a Corporate Circle member, please contact [email protected]. 

Corporate Circle Levels

Platinum Circle     $20,000

Gold Circle            $10,000

Silver Circle          $5,000

Platinum Circle

CSL Seqirus

Platinum Circle

Platinum Circle

Platinum Circle

Platinum Circle


Platinum Circle

Platinum Circle

Gold Circle

Silver Circle

Silver Circle

Silver Circle

Silver Circle

Benefits for Corporate Circle Members

Direct Member and Leadership Engagement
First look and priority for projects, programs and collaborative opportunities with NAPNAP
One opportunity per year to address members of NAPNAP’s Executive Board virtually or at in-person meeting during conference
Opportunity to meet once per year with NAPNAP senior staff at a location of your choosing
Virtual or NAPNAP office
Virtual or NAPNAP office
Company highlights in NAPNAP’s Newsflash member e-newsletter
Access to NAPNAP’s membership email or mailing list; NAPNAP content approval required
1 eblast and 1 mailing list
1 eblast or mailing list
10% discount on one
One five-question survey to TeamPeds Volunteers to gain pediatric-focused APRN perspective
Access to recruit members for focus groups (at conference, in-person location, virtual) to gain member perspectives
15% discount or free virtual
10% discount
Advertising and Marketing
Free banner on Journal of Pediatric Health Care site for one month (space-available basis)
One free repeat ad in JPHC with a three issue ad commitment
Behavioral/targeted marketing discount, 10-25% depending on purchased impressions
Inclusion of your logo in the Corporate Circle listing in each issue of JPHC
Recognition on NAPNAP’s Facebook page
Annual listing with link on (link from your company logo to company URL)
National Conference Opportunities
One complimentary or discounted 10×10 inline booth
Discounted participation in the booth traffic generator program
$250 off
$150 off
$50 off
Priority points for preferred booth location selection in Exhibit Hall
Mobile app rotating banner ad OR mobile app 4 question poll
Special recognition in conference program book and introductory slides at general sessions
One complimentary conference bag insert
Complimentary private meeting room (upon request and space-available basis)
Priority notification of sponsorship opportunities
Invitation to Leaders Reception for two representatives
Other Opportunities
Corporate Circle e-newsletter
Recognition at all NAPNAP specialty symposia (printed materials, intro slides)

Benefits subject to change.

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