For more than 40 years, the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) has collaborated with advanced practice and child health organizations that share a common goal of supporting the educational and professional needs of pediatric nurse practitioners (PNPs) and our fellow pediatric-focused advanced practice registered nurses (APRNs). We are pleased to expand our relationship with select pediatric health care organizations to provide increased benefits to members who opt for our new dual membership program. Our current dual member partners are:Â
- Association of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition Nurses (APGNN)
- Pediatric Orthopaedic Practitioners Society (POPS)
- National Black Nurse Practitioner Association (NBNPA)
Select one of our dual membership partners from the drop-down below to learn how you can enjoy additional benefits and save!
- Discounted annual conference registration fee: earn two days of valuable contact hours specific to nursing in pediatric gastroenterology
- A reduced rate at the annual conference hotel site
- Access to exclusive members only professional resources and support, including continuing education modules specific to pediatric gastroenterology
- Substantial savings on your subscription to the Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition (JPGNN). As a dual member, you receive more than $700 off the annual subscription price!
- A 20% discount for the APGNN resource: Clinical Handbook of Pediatric Gastroenterology
- Network with other NPs and physician assistants working in pediatric orthopedics through the POPS website and with involvement in various POPS committees
- Post questions or topics of conversation for feedback from other members on the POPS website
To become a member of POPS using this special dual offer, visit their website.
- Access to all areas of the NBNPA website
- Network with other NBNPA NPs at monthly sponsored meetings
- Legislative updates for NBNPA members
- Continuing education opportunities for NBNPA members
- Clinical/professional practice updates for NBNPA
- Connect with other members through the quarterly newsletter and so much more!
To become a member of NBNPA using this special dual offer, contact [email protected] to receive a special promo code.
Already an APGNN, POPS or NBNPA member?
Join the dual membership program with NAPNAP to enjoy these added benefits while saving 20% off NAPNAP membership:
- Free NAPNAP Daily News, biweekly Newsflash and subscription to the Journal of Pediatric Health Care
- Discounted national conference and specialty symposium registration
- Discounted online CE at PedsCESM
- Free participation in monthly Child Health Policy Learning Collaborative meetings to learn about key topics in pediatric health and advance practice nursing advocacy
- Choose one of 52 chapters in your local area or an eChapter for educational events and social gatherings
- Connect with peers who share your passion in a similar field of practice through our special interest groups
- Maximize your membership by networking with your colleagues nationwide through our online member-only NAPNAP community, TeamPeds Member Network
To take advantage of this special dual offer, please join one of the three organizations listed above. Please email [email protected] with proof of membership payment and you will receive a code to join NAPNAP as a preferred member with the 20% off discount.
Already a NAPNAP preferred member?
Please email [email protected] for more information on how to participate in the dual membership program.Â