Continuing Education FAQ - NAPNAP

Continuing Education FAQ

Review the below questions and answers to learn more about continuing education. If your question isn’t included, please contact [email protected]

Yes, each National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) presenter who is a licensed nurse and who is presenting a NAPNAP approved continuing education course (as either the lecturer of the offering or as author of the course materials) may receive credit for the portion of the offering that she/he presented or authored equal to two contact hours for each hour of content developed. Please note the NAPNAP continuing education credit may be awarded to a lecturer or author for the initial presentation of each program only; repeat presentations of the same continuing education course shall not be granted credit.

NAPNAP is approved as a provider of nursing continuing education by the Florida Department of Health, Division of Quality Assurance, BON Accreditation (CE Provider #: 50-8626). According to Paula DiBenedetto, PhD, MSN, RN, nursing education consultant, Florida Board of Nursing, the Florida State Board of Nursing Rules and Regulations reads (64B9-5.004 Procedure for Approval of Attendance at Continuing Education Courses) “All licensees may be awarded contact hours for attendance at offerings that are approved by a state or national organizations empowered to accredit nursing continuing education. Contact hours may be awarded for offerings that are approved by a state or national organization. Florida nurses would keep the certificate, and if audited would send a copy of the certificate to prove the CE. CE Broker will just keep track of Florida providers. Licensees that attend conferences outside the state, attend school and count that for credit will have two options with CE Broker: 1) Subscribe and be able to manually input CEs other than those provided by Florida providers; or 2) not subscribe, keep the certificate/transcripts and be prepared if they are picked for an audit at the end of their renewal cycle. CE Broker is designed to let FL know at the end of a renewal cycle which nurses show less than 25 hours. They can then audit a percentage of those nurses.”

Yes, At least 60 of the 75 CH must be formally approved continuing education hours. Formally approved continuing education hours include continuing nursing education (CNE) approved for nursing contact hours by an accredited provider or approver of CNE. Per Marianne Horahan, MBA, MPH, RN, NEA-BC, CPHQ, CAE, American Nurses Credentialing Center, Director, Certification Services and ANA Enterprise Customer Service, NAPNAP is accepted by ANCC as an organization that is an approved provider.

NAPNAP suggests you use the following statement: “This program is pending approval by the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) for ____ NAPNAP contact hours, of which ____ are pharmacology content.” However, keep in mind that not all programs are approved.

The Michigan Public Health Code and board administrative rules require that within the 2-year period immediately preceding the renewal application a nurse practitioner must have obtained national recertification or maintained national certification through their certification board. Per Marianne Horahan, MBA, MPH, RN, NEA-BC, CPHQ, CAE, American Nurses Credentialing Center, Director, Certification Services and ANA Enterprise Customer Service, NAPNAP is accepted by ANCC as an organization that is an approved provider. NAPNAP contact hours are also accepted by PNCB.

The voluntary PhRMA Code on Interactions with Healthcare Professionals, which took effect in January 2009, reaffirms that interactions between company representatives and health care professionals “should be focused on informing the health care professionals about products, providing scientific and educational information, and supporting medical research and education.” Most pharmaceutical companies are responding to the Code and making changes to their policies.

Currently, none of the regulatory bodies in Canada have specific continuing education requirements for practicing registered nurses. The regulatory bodies do not assess continuing education programs to assign C.E.U.s (continuing education units). Nurses in Canada do keep records of participation in continuing education for purposes of maintaining specialty certification and in British Columbia and Ontario for continuing competence programs. In most provinces and territories, nurses who have not practiced for a specified number of hours within a specified time limit must take a refresher course before being given permission to return to work in nursing.

Yes, NAPNAP hours are acceptable by AANP Certification Board. If you visit the recertification handbook, on page 15 in the Continuing Education section, you will find NAPNAP listed under the names of Continuing Education Providers/ Sponsors providing acceptable, accredited Advanced Practice Provider content.

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