Position Statements and White Papers - NAPNAP

Position Statements and White Papers

NAPNAP Position Statements

The National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) has position statements on a variety of topics and issues regarding advanced nursing practice and children’s health. Our position statements are created through a rigorous process, beginning with the approval of the pursuit of a position, the actual development of each position and ending with each statement’s publication in our professional journal, the Journal of Pediatric Health Care (JPHC).

Our position statements are regularly reviewed to ensure they meet evolving standards and best practices. All regular position statements expire automatically five years after publication unless reaffirmed, revised or retired at or before that time. Priority position statements have a three-year lifespan. Development of a new position statement may be requested by board members, committee chairs, SIG or chapter leaders, board-appointed workgroups or a general member acting through one of these groups. The request for a new position statement should be submitted on the position statement request form.

Click on the links below to learn more about our association’s positions. NAPNAP also encourages all clinicians to review the latest evidence-based research and clinical practice guidelines related to the below topics. 

NAPNAP Partners for Vulnerable Youth Position Statements

NAPNAP White Papers

A white paper is a document that is informational and objective yet still persuasive and is developed to explain or highlight a broad and complex issue. It seeks to achieve the level of thought on a topic at a leadership level. It has a definite point of view and may propose one or more solutions to the issue examined. A white paper is well researched, data driven and factual, and examines trends and some or all of the economic, professional, sociological and other influences that must be considered to support the recommendations and conclusions. Ultimately it seeks to define the topic/issue/market space and then, using facts and conclusions, argue or advocate for a specific solution. It seeks to both educate and influence the audience. Click on the links below to read our white papers.

As position statements are reviewed every 3 or 5 years, the executive board may decide that a position statement on a specific topic is no longer relevant or needed and may vote to retire the statement. These retired position statements are available to view. 

The following NAPNAP Position Statements* have been retired (year of retirement is listed).  Click on the title below to read the last version that was published in the Journal of Pediatric Health Care.

* The above statements have been retired and may no longer reflect the views or position of NAPNAP. They are available for historical purposes only.

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