Innovating Pediatric Mental Health Care

As experts in pediatrics and advocates for children, NAPNAP is responding to the pediatric mental health crisis with the creation of our bold new NAPNAP Cares initiative. We are going beyond raising awareness to leveraging the power and expertise of our membership to support PNPs and pediatric-focused APRNs in your efforts to fulfill the growing need of mental health care to patients and their families.

NAPNAP Cares will be a multiyear initiative delivering an expert-developed continuing education (CE) collection on pediatric mental and behavioral health. The collection of courses will prepare learners to respond to pediatric mental health concerns within their practice settings.

The collection’s 30 courses are available now on PedsCESM.

Each course in the NAPNAP Cares mental health CE collection is free to NAPNAP members until June 30, 2025 — ultimately a $600 savings — thanks to the generous support of the NAPNAP Foundation, NAPNAP’s chapters and NAPNAP’s Acute Care, Adolescent Health Care, Childhood Obesity, Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs, Developmental Behavioral and Mental Health, Pediatric Emergency Care and School-based Health Care SIGs.  and our 50Forward sponsors. 

We encourage all pediatric-focused APRNs to join NAPNAP now to save on these highly valuable courses to enhance their knowledge and practice.

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