Chapters - NAPNAP


Preferred, student and career starter members of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) hold membership in one of our 51 local chapters or our eChapter. Chapter membership makes it easy for you to engage with fellow pediatric nurse practitioners (PNPs), family nurse practitioners (FNPs), students and other pediatric providers on child health issues and projects important to you in your community.

Our chapters conduct in-person and online networking and continuing education events to support members’ clinical practice needs and professional career goals. Chapters and their members play a critical role in state-level legislative and regulatory matters on important child health and advanced practice nursing issues. They collaborate with other state or local groups on advocacy efforts to raise awareness and strengthen the collective voice of pediatric experts and advanced practice nurses.

Local chapters are also the best place to connect with potential preceptors. If you are in need of a preceptor, please contact your chapter president.

Members who do not live or work near a local chapter can join our active eChapter which connects members via online events and opportunities.

Chapter Officers: NAPNAP is pleased to offer our chapter officers a resource page  and the NEW “How do I” website to assist with operational tasks and communication with the national office.

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