TeamPeds Town Hall - NAPNAP

TeamPeds Town Hall

Thought Leadership

Since its inception in early 2020, the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners’ (NAPNAP) TeamPeds Town Hall series has been bringing child health and advanced practice nursing thought leaders to the NAPNAP community to talk about important topics impacting our patients and profession. 

TeamPeds Town hall logo

On-Demand Events

Navigating the Politics of DEI to Provide Equitable Care

Guest Speakers: Dr. Becky Carson, Dr. Felesia Bowen, Dr. Jeremy Jordan and Dr. Bianca Salvetti

Best Practice Clinical Recommendations for Newly Arrived Immigrant Children

Guest Speaker: Dr. Karla Fredricks
Sponsored by the Global Health Care SIG

Importance of Vaccine Advocacy on
Social Media

Guest Speaker: Dr. Nicole Baldwin

Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Nursing and Health Care
Guest Speaker:  Bernadette Melnyk, PhD, RN, APRN-CNP, FNAP, FAAN

The Impact of Racism on Child Health
Guest speakers: Drs. Jacqueline Douge, MD, MPH, FAAP, and Danielle Dooley, MD, MPhil, FAAP

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