School-based Health Care SIG - NAPNAP

School-based Health Care SIG

NAPNAP School Based Health Care SIG

Since its formation in 1993, the School-based Health Care Special Interest Group has had continuous growth, and currently has more than 100 members. The SIG publishes information regularly via the NAPNAP School-based Health Care SIG community and maintains a clearinghouse of school-based health care information. The School-based Health Care SIG collaborates with organizations such as the American Academy of Pediatrics, National Assembly on School-Based Health Care, National Nursing Coalition for School Health and the National Association of School Nurses. Periodically, resources on school-based health care and other pertinent topics are provided to the members of the SIG.

Additional Information

For more information about the School-based Health Care SIG, please contact [email protected]. 

Chair: Tedra S. Smith, DNP, CRNP, CPNP-PC, CNE, CHSE

Co-chair: Alley Claycomb, CPNP-PC

Secretary: Teresa M. Whited, DNP, RN, APRN, CPNP-PC

  • Increase membership by 5%  through biweekly discussion questions posted on e-community in Member Network and at the membership meeting at NAPNAP Conference.
  • Increase member engagement through SIG quarterly newsletters, NAPNAP activities and virtual SIG meetings.
  • Collaborate with other SIGs to co-develop NAPNAP continuing education (CE) courses and school based organizations.

The School-based Health Care SIG presents a monetary award to go toward NAPNAP national conference expenses. Available only to School-based Health Care SIG members, information regarding the application is available via the online community annually. Please check three to six months prior to the conference.

  • – Developed by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, this model aims to better align the policies, processes, and practices of education, public health, and school health, and in doing so, improve learning and health.
  • School-Based Health Alliance – An organization aimed on improving the health of children and youth by advancing and advocating for school-based health care.
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