Newborn SIG - NAPNAP

Newborn SIG

Developed in November 2016, the purpose of the Newborn Special Interest Group (Newborn SIG) is to provide networking opportunities for all members of the NAPNAP organization who work with newborns from delivery to outpatient primary care.  This SIG will be vital in establishing specific standards, protocols, and guidelines to positively affect outcomes of newborns.

A newborn infant, or neonate, spans from birth to 28 days of life. During this time according to the World Health Organization, the child is at the highest risk of dying.  It is imperative this population is cared for by knowledgably trained professionals during this time, to foster the child’s foundation for a healthy life.   

Additional Information

Email: [email protected] 

Chair: Cristy Toburen, CPNP

Co-chair: Ann Mattison, CPNP

  • Start a journal club (Host at least 1 journal club meeting).
  • Increase membership by 5% (8 members) by December 2024.
  • Host educational presentations (minimum of 2 educational presentations given by either newborn SIG member or member of another SIG).
  • Make charitable donations to NAPNAP Foundation and/or other charities.
  • Provide current SIG members with scholarship opportunities for participation, such as e-community posts, HOT topic attendance or presentation or hosting SIG showcase table at national conference.

In January of each year, we will offer the Newborn SIG members an opportunity to win a free, one-year membership, to the Newborn SIG the following year.

Visit Newborn SIG Website

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