NAPNAP’s Children in Disaster SIG was founded in 2011. The purpose of the CID SIG is to raise awareness of the special needs of children in and following a disaster. PNPs and their fellow pediatric providers can utilize this information and resources to better prepare their patient families as well as themselves. These health care leaders also advocate for children in disasters by working with disaster planners, working during disasters and helping to evaluate the efficacy of disaster plan execution and results of disaster recovery.
Natural and man-made disasters can strike at any time; some natural disasters such as hurricanes afford preparation time while others just happen. Many citizens in remain unprepared despite public service announcements. Children are a vulnerable population and families may need guidance in how to develop disaster plans and purchase or create disaster kits. PNPs are in an ideal position to educate and aid families in disaster planning and preparation.
Additional Information
Email:Â [email protected]Â
Chair: Jennifer A. Mauney, DNP, CPNP-AC
Co-chair: Amanda L. Loquias, FNP-BC
Secretary/Treasurer: Catherine J. Schaefer, MN, RN, CPNP
- Submit information to the general membership in September about National Preparedness Month.
- Create disaster related CE course PedsCESM.Â
- Participate in SIG Showcase to display information, such as handouts and emergency resources and practitioners.Â
- Increase membership by 5% by participating in the SIG Showcase, conducting monthly communications in the e-community, developing a newsletter and increasing awareness of members activities virtual meetings 2-4 times/year.
- Make donations to the NAPNAP Foundation and/or other disaster relief organizations.
- Draft disaster preparedness manuscript for publication.
- Increase awareness for the general NAPNAP membership regarding working with children in disasters.
- Partner with other SIGs on joint projects.
- Increase information regarding emergency preparedness for the public.
- Revise NAPNAP Position Statement on Pediatric-focused Advanced Practice Registered Nurses’ Role in Disasters Involving Children.Â
- Please visit the Journal of Pediatric Health Care to search for articles on this topic.
- Children in Disasters flyer – as a collaborative effort between the Acute Care SIG and the Children in Disasters SIG and in light of the many disasters that have struck our nation in recent years, we created this resource flyer you can print and share with provider colleagues and patient families.
- Digital Flyers
Quick Links for Disaster Safety
Developed for the Children in Disasters SIG by Clara Marie Talban
Educational Resources for Children | |
Pandemic | |
Wildfires | |
Shooter Mass Casualty | |
Tornadoes | |
Floods | |
Earthquakes | |
Hurricanes | |
General Resources |
Planning for Health Emergencies – A Toolkit for Families of Children with Special Health Needs.