RSV Resources - NAPNAP

RSV Resources

Immature immune systems and anatomically disadvantaged respiratory systems place infants and young children at the highest risk for serious and life-threatening illness from respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and other respiratory viral illnesses. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates 2.1 million outpatient visits among children younger than 5 years old and up to 80,000 hospitalizations in that same population each year.

RSV is a virus that causes common cold symptoms, but it can also cause airway inflammation. Although anyone can get RSV, premature infants and patients under the age of two are most vulnerable.

How does RSV spread?

Droplets from coughs or sneezes can carry RSV, making it highly contagious, especially in childcare facilities and schools.

What are symptoms of RSV?

RSV can present with a runny nose, decreased appetite, cough and/or wheezing or difficulty breathing. In very young infants, you may notice irritability and decreased activity, too. Fever doesn’t always accompany RSV.

Can RSV be prevented?

To avoid RSV and severe illness in your family, you should wash your hands and clean surfaces frequently, cover coughs, and avoid close contact with sick individuals. If you or your child become sick, stay home.

The FDA approved and the CDC’s ACIP recommends nirsevimab for the prevention of RSV lower respiratory tract disease in newborns and infants born during or entering their first RSV season, and for children up to 24 months of age who remain vulnerable to severe RSV disease through their second RSV season. Pediatric providers – scroll down for specific practice information.

The FDA approved and the CDC’s ACIP recommends bivalent RSVpreF vaccine for use during RSV season with pregnancy between 32-36 weeks. Ask your provider for more information.

To protect against other respiratory diseases and reduce sickness in your household, you should have everyone who is 6 months and older vaccinated for influenza (flu) and COVID-19.

Provider Need to Know Info​

Administering Nirsevimab In Your Practice

This innovative monoclonal preventive antibody is commercially available as Beyfortus. In response to providers’ questions, NAPNAP has curated available resources for your practice.

  • Available in the Vaccines for Children program – read CDC information about VFC program benefits for hospitals
  • CDC RSV Interactive Dashboard – tracking recently reported surveillance data
  • Cracking the Codes – provider coverage finder tool provides additional context to the coverage status of nirsevimab by state or zip look up; utilizes a partnership with third party vendors, using documented coverage policies to feed the tool and provide coverage details to providers
  • Beyfortus prescribing information
  • Beyfortus provider coding and billing instructions
  • Available through other channels (wholesaler, distributor, pharmacy, etc.) with terms governed by those organizations 

RSV Micro-learning

NAPNAP has created a series of micro-learning videos, each just five minutes, to break down a specific clinical aspect of RSV in videos that can be viewed whenever and wherever, and as often as you like. Hear from your expert colleagues with experience from primary care, pediatric pulmonology specialty, and the PICU, as they discuss aspects of RSV care and help prepare you to better serve your patients and families.

A new RSV prevention micro-learning segment is coming in early September to cover info for the 2024-2025 RSV season.

Check back!

Hear from Our Experts

NAPNAP member expert and former member-at-large Dr. Chelsea Woosley was a speaker at the National Coalition for Infant Health’s 2023 webinar to educate viewers about the real-world impact of RSV on infants, children and families, and new options to reduce RSV’s burden. 

New recordings for the 2024-2025 season coming soon!

RSV Awareness Campaign

NAPNAP conducted social media campaign to build awareness about RSV to protect vulnerable patients. NAPNAP members experts helped us explore different topics, such as identification, prevention and treatment strategies pertaining to pediatric RSV cases.

With new topics being explored each week, this social media campaign is an excellent way for us to share quick but informative resources for our pediatric-focused NP community to share with their patient families.

Follow this awareness campaign by visiting one of NAPNAP’s social media accounts.

Other Resources

NAPNAP Official Statement on the Pediatric RSV Crisis

RSV Poster – NAPNAP member experts Emily Davis, Brittany Bradshaw and Karen Acevedo collaborated to create an infographic-type poster. This poster will be distributed to members to help inform their pediatric patient families about the common signs and symptoms of RSV and prevention and treatment options. 

Health care provider information – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

RSV Resources & Positions – National Coalition for Infant Health

The Umbrella of Immunizations – National Coalition for Infant Health

Call to Action Reducing the Burden of RSV Across the Lifespan – National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID)

AAP updates interim guidance on preventing severe RSV, handling surge of patients – American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) – Sanofi provider site

What Parents and Caregivers Need to Know about RSV (flip to p. 12) – digital magazine article by NAPNAP’s Dr. Jennifer Sonney

RSV patient and family information in English and en Español – NAPNAP/KidsHealth

RSV/public health video – National Foundation for Infectious Diseases (NFID)

General guidance – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Learn About RSV for Families – Sanofi public site
More info coming soon!
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