Did you know that NAPNAP has over 40 volunteer members representing the organization on national advisory panels, boards, task forces and coalitions? NAPNAP’s strategic goal includes creating and enhancing effective collaborative relationships with a variety of organizations, national efforts, and coalitions thereby raising awareness of the role of the pediatric nurse practitioner in the health care delivery system. Learn how our volunteer members are representing our association and building recognition of our profession in our quarterly updates below!
- NAPNAP Volunteer Activity Update: April – June 2023
- NAPNAP Volunteer Activity Update: January – March 2023
- NAPNAP Volunteer Activity Update: October – December 2022
- NAPNAP Volunteer Activity Update: July – September 2022
- NAPNAP Volunteer Activity Update: April – June 2022
- NAPNAP Volunteer Activity Update: January – March 2022
Volunteering is the heart and soul of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP). We would like to express our sincere thanks to all members who represent our association on various advisory boards, steering groups and committees. Your participation has allowed us to be at the table to address important issues related to our profession and pediatric health care. Thank you!
Volunteer Guidelines
Our members serve in multiple volunteer representative positions, including national committees, focus groups, roundtable discussions and reviewers. NAPNAP Volunteer Guidelines will help you understand your role as a NAPNAP volunteer representative and will ensure that your services meet our association’s mission and goals. After you are appointed as a representative by the NAPNAP president, you will receive a link to take a survey and acknowledge that you have read and agree to these Guidelines for NAPNAP Volunteers. You will also receive NAPNAP’s Conflict of Interest, Avoidance and Disclosure Policy to read and will need to complete an electronic Conflict of Interest (COI) Disclosure form. You will have a staff member who will be your volunteer liaison. If you have any questions at all, or you need assistance with your volunteer appointment, do not hesitate to call the national office at 877-662-7627 or email [email protected].
Volunteer Appointments and Responsibilities
Interested in learning more about what it means to be a volunteer representative and what responsibilities you would have? Learn about the appointment and reappointment process, required reports and annual evaluation and travel reimbursement for attending in person meetings.
Upon appointment or reappointment, all volunteers must review and acknowledge the volunteer guidelines, sign a new Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Form, and answer a brief survey about your role. Remember, all NAPNAP correspondence related to your volunteer appointment should be coordinated with your staff liaison and should go through [email protected].
In order for NAPNAP to be able to understand the work our volunteers are doing, assist with communication, and provide support to our volunteers, it is important that you provide ongoing activity reports. We request you to submit a report at least quarterly if you have been involved in any activities (e.g. reviewing a document, discussing an issue on a call, or providing feedback). Additionally, we request you to submit a report after any face-to-face meeting or lengthy/important conference call that requires action. Submit your activity report.
Annually, all NAPNAP members are requested to provide an evaluation of the volunteer role. This is vital information to be shared with NAPNAP’s Executive Board. The information assists the incoming president to evaluate the volunteer position and to make decisions about continuation. The annual evaluation is due in May of each year. Complete your annual evaluation.
If you are attending an event that requires travel – it must be pre-approved prior to making any arrangements. Once approved, staff will assist you with making the travel arrangements. After your return, please complete a travel reimbursement form, that will be shared to you by staff. Please note: Original receipts are required and itemized receipts are required for all meal reimbursements. Please contact Victoria Afolabi at [email protected] for a travel reimbursement form.Â