Celebrating Leaders
As part of our 50Forward anniversary celebration in 2023, we look forward to recognizing our organization’s emerging leaders — those who will help the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners succeed in the next 50 years.

To help us identify emerging leaders from across the country representing the diverse experience and expertise in our profession and association, we invited every chapter and SIG to select one emerging leader by Nov. 1, 2022, to be included in our celebrations next year. For those chapters and SIGs unable to submit in November, we are still accepting submissions. A current chapter or SIG officer can submit their group’s selected emerging leader via email to Megan Dugan at [email protected].
Because Emerging Leaders and their valued contributions are unique, each chapter and SIG can determine the identification and selection process that works best for their officers. For convenience, we offer some potential guidelines:
- Must be a current member of NAPNAP and your chapter or SIG
- May be a student member
- Does not need to be a current or past chapter or SIG officer
- May have been the leader or significant contributor to the development of one or more new CE courses, in-person or virtual educational sessions, practice resources or patient education tools
- May have lead advocacy efforts for federal or state legislation and/or regulations, including encouraging chapter or SIG member participation
- May have built relationships with one or more journalists or media outlets to increase awareness about pediatric-focused NPs and/or pediatric health care issues
- May be working/volunteering in a community outreach role that furthers advanced practice nursing or pediatric health care
Please submit your Emerging Leader’s name, credentials, photograph, and 150-200 word story about your Emerging Leader and the contributions that led them to be selected to Megan at [email protected] as soon as possible.
Emerging Leaders will be recognized throughout 2023 on our website and social media platforms. In addition, we will celebrate them at our 50Forward dessert reception on March 16, 2023, in Orlando, Fla., at our national conference.
We encourage your chapter or SIG to use its available funds to support your Emerging Leader’s attendance at the 44th National Conference on Pediatric Health Care.